Nova Scotia 55+ Games Society UPDATE

We had a very successful and safe 55+ Provincial games in Yarmouth and Acadian Shores in 2021.

Thanks to Rick Allwright and Candice Phibbs of Mile East Productions and Neil MacKenzie and Malcolm Seaboyer of YASTA for doing such a great job organizing this huge event. There were over 700 participants in 19 different activities.

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James Bishop
Yarmouth to host 55+ Games in 2021

Yarmouth & Acadian Shores Tourism Association (YASTA) has won the bid to host the 2021 55+ Games in Yarmouth County, Sept. 16-18, 2021. The Nova Scotia 55+ Games is a bi-annual event that brings people from across the province to compete in games of both physical and mental challenges.

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South ShoreJames Bishop