NS Team Bulletin #4

Hello and welcome back again to the Nova Scotia 55+ Games Society.

A very successful 55+ Provincial games were held last September 2023 in Nova Scotia’s Pictou County and as previously announced, we’re pleased to share that Bridgewater is the next host community for our NS 55+ Games to be held in 2025.

We’re also excited and very happy to share that things are moving closer for our National Games being hosted in Quebec City. Once again, welcome and greatest well wishes everyone, please stay tuned for exciting new times ahead.

Registration for the Nationals continues, but the deadline is fast approaching. If you qualify, please quickly email our Nova Scotia Team Coordinator, Cynthia Boutilier for registration forms. Also, be sure to observe updates on the National Games website and also the updates in the “Bulletins” on our Nova Scotia 55+ Games website.

Even with the absolute final registration date being June 24th, our Quebec Hosts are asking folks to register asap to assist scheduling organizers in securing facility/venue times that will be needed to accommodate growing headcount for those registering.

Since May 15th has passed, we opened registration to any Nova Scotian for any event vacancies that remain. SPREAD THE WORD to friends and family to check out the 55+ Games for a chance to play in the Nationals!

Updates for remaining opportunities to participate in the Nationals will be found on our website.

Surprisingly, at this time, there are spots still available for pickleball at various skill levels including recreational (under 3.0)!

Send an email to our Nova Scotia Team Coordinator, Cynthia Boutilier to inquire if an opening is still available and if so, to request a registration form and confirm your spot.

* When you fill out the registration form, make sure to complete the waiver section (page 8 – tick off the box) and be sure to submit your payment promptly, as your registration can only be confirmed once payment is received. Registrations and payment can be sent to our Cynthia’s email or sent by mail to:

NS 55+ Games c/o Cynthia Boutilier, 996 Little Pond Road, Little Pond, NS B1Y 1T3

Cheque(s) payable to: Nova Scotia 55+ Games

*Our Team Hotel Concorde still has rooms available at the 55+ Games Group rate

Even if you have not completed registration yet, reserve a room as soon as possible. You can always cancel a reservation in a timely manner.

Room rates each night August 26 to 31 per room type:

  • Between $194 and $229 + taxes = $223.05 and $272.51. Parking extra at $18 / day

  • Reservations, visit: https://hotelleconcordequebec.com/ or call 1 (800) 463-5256. Our Group booking code is: FADOQ or folio 1008244 Rate is guaranteed to July 11

Our NS 55+ Games Society has a Facebook page to connect our Team and participants, it can be used for finding others to play or travel with.

The Facebook account for the Quebec 2024 Games.

There are two new sections on the Quebec / CSG 2024 website. One is for news:


and the other is the shopping section:


Our Quebec hosts have informed us that event schedules will be posted on the national website by August 8th, 2024.

SAVE THE DATES! September 22-25th, 2025.

Even though this is primarily focused on the national 55+ Games in Quebec, we continue to look forward to our next NS provincial 55+ Games, which will be hosted by Lunenburg County Multi-Purpose Centre Corporation, Bridgewater in September 2025.

Keep an eye on updates on the Quebec Games website and NS Team updates via “Bulletins” on our provincial website.

Visit canada55plusqc.ca/en/ for national games updates.

Stay tuned for updates!

Les Anderson